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From: mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca (Michel Forget)
Subject: Re: Compendium, and other...
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 11:30:30 -0600
Precedence: bulk
Hello Scott,
Sorry for taking so long to respond to your message.
>As for the index, I spent several days working on it but I'll be the
>first to admit it's not perfect. It is, however, one of the features
>that people _usually_ cite as a good feature.
It would be a good feature, if it were complete. For a book with such
a vast array of information, having an index with so few entries is
>As for the $10 for the disk... The disk isn't quite ready yet
>(because of circumstances I'll mention below) and when it's ready I
>might just upload it for free (though I'm not promising). The $10
>covers the basic trouble of copying, labeling, marketing, and
>supporting the disk. Many other books come with their disks and are
>either more expensive to start or are made by huge companies.
On the contrary, The Atari Compendium is the most expensive book that
I have ever purchased. $70 Canadian is not a trivial ammount of
money. I would have gladly payed $71 Canadian if the disk came
with the book, though. If you do upload the disk, I would be
very pleased.
The main concern I have, though, is with errors in the text. Specific
examples (just in case you do not yet know about them):
Page v: Appendix I apparently begins on H.1 (?!)
Page 4.64: The word "multiple" is used in the second last paragraph
when it should actually be multiply.
Page 6.96: graf_movebox() is now called graf_mbox() by Atari (and
everyone else, apparently, though I did not know this until
it was pointed out to me).
Page 7.65: WORD maxwchar is listed twice. It should be maxwchar, maxhchar.
These are textual errors, but it makes me question what -other- errors
there might be. Is the code listed reliable? Are the suggested
parameters and other pieces of information correct? In this one area
I feel that I have a 100% legitimate complaint. For $70, I should be
able to reasonably expect the book to have been proofed. The size of
your publishing house (small or large) cannot be an excuse for this,
especially in the "revision". Nobody is perfect, and typing mistakes
can be made, but not in a professionally produced text.
The binding is a nightmare, too... :) I suppose this is a good feature
for most people, but the way that the binding folds out backward makes
it hard to hold the book in my hand. Or is the cover and the binding
supposed to remain firmly together, like a paperback or a hardcover
The only other concern that I have is your upgrade policy. I purchased
the new edition, so this is not my own problem yet, but everyone else
I have spoken to who has purchased The Atari Compendium is furious,
because the upgrade price is actually the same price (or more expensive)
then the price they could purchase it for. The feeling seems to be that
the upgrade should have been offered as a text file or addendum-booklet
to registered owners.
Despite my complaints, I do like the book. It may not sound that way,
but I do.... :) Good luck at your new job at Atari, and I hope to hear
from you soon.
Michel Forget \\ mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca //
Electric Storm Software \\ ess@tibalt.supernet.ab.ca //
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